The cornerstone of the Auxiliary since its inception.
The Hospital Auxiliary started with a small group of women in 1900, who wanted to do something to raise money to improve the Hospital. They held teas and dances and sewed different items for Doctors and patients.
Fast forward to today and we now have Hospital Auxiliary members volunteering in the gift shop, thrift store and, of course, the Craft Group.
The Craft Group has been a cornerstone of the Auxiliary since its inception. Today there are about 25 talented crafters who work mainly at home, but meet twice a month to share their work, plan new projects and pick up supplies.
The group produces items for sale, which are offered at a special Craft Sales event held in November. Although the monies from the sales are significant, the Craft Group plays a vital role throughout the year by providing items on request from NRGH departments, for example quilts to cover incubators, knitted tuques for infants in the NICU, items to the Cancer Clinic, surgery dolls, and hand and arm wraps to the Pediatrics Department. They also make tray favours at Easter, and Christmas for patients in the Hospital. Quilts are also donated once a year to different departments in the Hospital, including the Cancer Clinic, Dialysis Unit, and others that may need them.
If you would like to join the Craft Group, please call 250-585-0409, or email us at